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About Norfolk Island

Species of wildlife have been lost from the earliest days of settlement, as the short history of Norfolk Island explains.

About the Society

The Norfolk Island Flora & Fauna Society was established in 1967 by a group of people with concerns and hopes for the environment of the Norfolk Island group of islands. Its Patron was HRH Duke of Edinburgh until his lamented decease in April 2021. It provides assistance to the community, to scientists and naturalists and to all levels of government, in environmental works, education, research, public interpretation and other nature craft activities. The Society’s work brought the unique environment of the island sufficiently to the fore that the Australian Government declared the Norfolk Island National Park and Botanic Gardens in 1983. Offshore Phillip Island was added to the National Park in 1996. These areas are managed and funded by Parks Australia.

Members of the Norfolk Island Flora & Fauna Society provide advice, information and assistance to researchers, members of the public, school children, visitors, tourist businesses and land managers on the island. Over the years many projects have been undertaken by the members of this ‘hands-on’ group including tree planting, weeding, environmental monitoring and much more. Work parties have been to Phillip Island and Nepean Island and other activities have been launched to support the efforts of the Norfolk Island Regional Council and the Commonwealth Government and managing the natural assets of the island.

The aims and objectives of the Society are “To advocate, promote and support the study, protection and conservation of the flora and fauna and environment of Norfolk Island, adjacent islands and seas, the establishment and preservation of sanctuaries, scenic and other reserves in their native state, and to encourage an understanding and appreciation of Norfolk Island through education and interpretation.”

Norfolk Island Landcare Group
The Landcare group closed in 2017 and in July of that year, its residual funds were transferred to the Society.


Norfolk Island Conservation Volunteers
The Volunteers are an arm of the Society, engaged in practical conservation activities such as removing invasive weeds. In 2021, the Volunteers’ primary activity was to clear the Hundred Acres Reserve in the Headstone area on New Farm Road of Coral Berry. This mission has been considerably successful and there has been no mass flowering of the pest since the project commenced. In 2022, attention will focus on Madeira Vine and other alien plants. The Volunteers have been meeting there at 9 AM every Wednesday, with morning tea at 10:30 AM. All welcome, including visitors.

Copyright conditions for text and photos on this website

All text on this site is copyright to the Norfolk Island Flora and Fauna Society and may be quoted with appropriate acknowledgement. Photos on this site are copyright to the photographer. Unless otherwise indicated in each case, they are published under Creative Commons NC ND licence and may be downloaded for non-commercial use, provided that the photographer is acknowledged. Copyright in books and reports re-presented here generally remains with the authors or original publishers, but see the front matters of each publication for details.