Information on this site is packaged in “posts”, each dealing with a specific subject and “tagged” or labelled with one or more “categories”, which link the post to one or more “landing pages”. Posts are discoverable either by navigating through the categories, or by using the search function. The categories are structured approximately according to taxonomic classification, but the availability of the search function means that taxonomic precision is not necessary.
Please use the cascading menu on the left to select subjects – specific elements of the natural environment found on Norfolk Island or its environs.
Posts on natural history subjects are grouped as follows:
The Island – geography, geology, meteorology
Flora (including fungi, algae and micro-organisms; vegetation associations)
For material on sustainability and environmental protection, see the landing page on “Threats” or visit the related sites linked below.
Click on the Dars-Et icon to visit the Publications page.
The Atlas of Living Australia is a collaborative, digital library of data about Australian biodiversity from multiple sources. “Australia” for this purpose includes Norfolk Island.
Norfolk Island Living Library is a project to create a register of local people with expertise in various aspects of Island life and worldly experience. It plans to develop a database of resources including print, moving images, sound recordings, maps …. and people. The intention is that the Living Library will become “an exciting and collaborative resource that will be available to students and to all who are interested in Norfolk Island’s history and culture”.
Norfolk Island Reef by Society member Susan Prior. Stunning photos and short accounts of some of the distinctive species.
Norfolk Island Time by Society member Susan Prior. Personal reflections on Island life and conditions. Also with attention-grabbing photos.
Norfolk Island Sustainability project, a partnership between EcoNorfolk Foundation and the University of Sydney, is showcased on Integrated Sustainability Analysis at the University.
The Norfolk Wave, Miekduu : Be Resourceful ; Mainaut : Be Mindful ; Miekhies : Act Now. The Norfolk Wave campaign is a call to action to protect Norfolk Island’s natural environment and boost the island’s circular economy.